
Emily and Sarah have started school this week in the Duncanville School District. Emily is in grade 11 at Duncanville High School which boasts the second largest high school campus in the United States! The large school is a bit intimidating in some ways, but she is really excited about the classes they offer.

Emily applied to and was accepted into the “Ready, Set, Teach” program which is designed for kids who want to become teachers. She has classes for a double block and later in the year will have an opportunity as part of the program to visit local elementary schools, work in classrooms and even get to practice teaching. A graduation requirement is two years of foreign language. Emily is taking American Sign Language which is something she was interested in learning anyway. There are advantages to bigger schools!

On Sarah’s first day, she quickly became friends with a girl who ‘happens’ to share the same class schedule all day. Around lunchtime they realized that they are both Wycliffe MK’s (missionary kids)! What a wonderful way to start a new school.

We are thankful for the girls good start to school. Thanks so much for those of you who have been praying for them.


Duncanville High School

On Tuesday Emily and went to Duncanville High School – the school she will attend beginning in August. Duncanville boasts the second largest high school campus in the United States and a student body of nearly 4000 students. Wow! That’s a big school!

We met with the counselors to determine how many credits they would give her for schooling she received elsewhere and we were happy to find out that she has more than enough credits for going into 11th grade. One of the requirements she needs to fulfill is 2 years of a foreign language. We are happy that they have ASL (American Sign Language) which Emily was interested in learning anyway!

Although the size of the school is a bit daunting, they offer a wide selection of classes and we are thankful for that.


A New Chapter in Emily’s LIfe

I honestly never thought we would go back to homeschooling Emily, but here we are again. In December Emily graduated from grade 9 at the international school here. Grade 9 is as high as this school goes, so we had to make some decisions in regard to Emily’s schooling. In this photo, Emily is performing a science experiment in our kitchen.

Emily is now enrolled in NorthStar Academy – a Christian online high school program designed to accomodate MK’s (missionary kids) like Emily. Emily’s classmates are literally all around the world. So far she is enjoying it. We are thankful for an educational solution that works for Emily and allows us to continue to minister here.

We are VERY thankful to a friend who teaches at NorthStar who is donating her salary toward scholarships for MK’s like Emily. In fact, all of Emily’s tuition has been met! God’s people using their gifts and talents to help get God’s Word out to those who don’t have it in their own language. How cool is that?
