Oh, Boy. He’s done it AGAIN!

I should be packing my bags to go to Detroit where Tim and I will be attending a missions conference at my home church. But I have to stop and share an amazing story.

We are continuing to make plans for our return to the Solomon Islands in the middle of the year. We are excited about going back and the wonderful opportunities that await us. But this week we were reminded of what it is going to take to get us there.

Our monthly financial support is a bit short. But the big items God needs to supply are our plane tickets, money to cover shipping some household goods and the purchase of a vehicle. As we added up our estimate of what we will need, it was a bit sobering. How in the world is that going to happen before the end of June?!?

That night we went to church to attend the Wednesday night dinner and go to choir. After the dinner, a friend asked us about how we get to the Solomons. We explained the various routes and what we were thinking. Then he asked, ‘But you don’t really care HOW you get there, right?”. We admitted we had our preferences, but when push came to shove, it doesn’t really matter.

Then our friend asked, “What if I could get you there or part of the way with my frequent flyer miles?” We were floored. Before we could even let people know about our list of outgoing needs, God was providing.

This afternoon our friend booked the three of us tickets to Auckland, New Zealand where we will visit friends. From New Zealand we will fly to Brisbane, Australia.  So all we need now is to pay for airfare from Brisbane to Solomon Islands!

We didn’t NEED to go to New Zealand, but we were hoping we could. Now God has provided a way – free of charge and before we could even ask. Isn’t that just like God?

And last week he provided someone to house sit our house sit our house in the Solomon Islands. We had just found out the renter was moving out when someone approached us with a temporary housing need for their son and daughter-in-law. Again, we were amazed that God provided before we could even ask.

As we continue to make preparations for our return to the South Pacific, we thank God for his confirmation of our plans through these encouragements.


2 thoughts on “Oh, Boy. He’s done it AGAIN!

  1. Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Thank you Lord – you work beyond our wildest imaginations!!!

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