Tim and I both joined Wycliffe as school teachers. In fact, that is where we met – in a small multi-grade classroom at a cross-cultural training course Wycliffe held in south Texas back in 1989. We were happy to use our skills as teachers to support the work of Bible translation.
After serving as teachers of missionary kids for many years, our interest in literacy grew and we able to use our teaching skills there. When our daughters reached school age, Martha home schooled them for a while and then they attended Woodford International School in the Solomon Islands. In the USA, they attended Christian and public schools.
When we began considering coming back to the Pacific, Sarah’s educational needs were an important consideration. She is happily settling into Ukarumpa International High School at the SIL center in the highlands of Papua New Guinea.
Since we will be leaving soon and missing events like ‘Open House’ and parent teacher conferences, we spent yesterday meeting with some of Sarah’s teachers. What a blessing to meet these teachers dedicated to the education of missionary kids. We were impressed with each of the teachers and confident that Sarah will have a great school year here.
Tim and I spent years teaching other missionary kids and now it is our turn to benefit from the ministry of a group of gifted teachers who will be providing a quality education for Sarah and the other students at the school. We are grateful for each of these teachers – and those whose photos I failed to take!
If YOU are a teacher or know a Christian teacher who would like to serve overseas and be a part of Bible translation, let us know. There are lots of needs for teachers of missionary kids all over the world. The adventure awaits…