- This needs to shrink to 6 pieces of luggage of no more than 300 pounds.

We are back from our trip to Michigan and Minnesota where we said our hard good-byes to our families. One thing that makes it easier this time is our plan to be gone 2 years instead of the usual 4 years.
This morning we start tackling our long ‘to-do’ list of things that have to be completed before our departure Tuesday night. Our focus this morning will be to reduce the pile above to fit into 6 pieces of luggage – each one weighing no more than 50 pounds. At this point it seems like it will be a miracle if we hit the goal, so we may have to make some hard choices of what can/can not go. We appreciate prayers for this process. Decision-making at this point can be exhausting!
At 2 pm this afternoon, Sarah goes to take her driver’s test. It would be a real blessing if she got her license before we leave the country. Please pray for calmness of spirit as she takes the test.
Thanks for standing with us in this journey!