A busy Day

Today I spent much of the day running around town getting errands done.  The first stop was the office of one of the newspapers.  My friend Cynthia and I wanted to let them know about the activities that we are doing in conjunction with the arts festival.

One of this week’s activities is a workshop on Bible storytelling.  Although not all the participants they expected showed up, the 13 people who are in the workshop are really enjoying it.  This afternoon they practiced their storytelling at a local church to the delight of the listeners.  Bible storytelling is a powerful tool!

I also made a trip to the Catholic church.  I have a dream of producing a 5 minute radio program which would feature stories from around the Pacific about Bible translation and the impact of the Word.  A young man studying radio is here as a part of the Discovery Team and is willing to help with this project.  Another friend here is the manager of a Christian radio station and she is willing to help with the program as well.  Unfortunately, the radio station is currently not operating, but the Catholic church has a recording studio.  My mission was to see if they would allow us so use their studio to produce a few stories.  Tomorrow I will go back and meet the Sister who is responsible for the communications office.

Cynthia and I made a stop at the shopping center to use the public toilet.  There was no toilet paper – it’s not provided, so we had to visit the grocery store to buy that first.  I also bought more credit for my cell phone.

I went back up to the workshop to drop off Cynthia and then back to the apartment where I was staying to pick up something I brought for a friend before I met her for lunch.

After that I went back up to the apartment briefly where the Discovery Team had just arrived.  Within about 15 minutes of their arrival, a local carver showed up wanting to sell carvings.  He used every persuasive skill on me but to no avail.

Back up to the workshop to pick up a group and go to the church where they were demonstrating their storytelling.  My camera battery and flash batteries were dead, so no photos, but I did get a little video.

Throughout the day I saw friends and exchanged hugs and news.  As I drove through town and recognized friends who were walking along the rode there was a smile and wave.  It feels good to be back.
I’m hot and tired and ready for a shower and bed.  I woke up at 4 am today and it is all catching up with me.  Bah humbug on jetlag and yeah for refreshing showers when you are hot and sticky.

