The visit of the Grandpa’s

On Sunday afternoon our (Tim’s and Martha’s) dads arrived on Amtrak from Minnesota and Detroit for a two day visit as part of their 12 day train trip.

Martha’s dad went from Toledo to Chicago to St. Paul where he met up with Tim’s dad. From there they traveled to Portland, down the west coast across the southern border to San Antonio and then up to Dallas. They have been with us for two days and head north this afternoon for Chicago where they then head down to New Orleans before heading back to Chicago. From there they will split up and go back to their homes.

It’s been fun to have them here. Yesterday Sarah and I took them to Fort Worth to see the stockyards. We saw the cattle run. It was actually only about 20 older docile longhorns, but it was still pretty neat.

We visited the Fort Worth Water Gardens, too. It was very cool!
