Yesterday afternoon I spent running around town with our director and his wife. We had some money that had been donated for tsunami relief so we were buying things to send out to our friend and national translation colleague, Joshua Lui. The supplies are being sent to Joshua so he can distribute the items to people in his community on Simbo Island who are in need. Simbo Island was one of the hardest hit areas.
We bought pots, towels, machetes, files to sharpen machetes, kerosene lanterns, vinyl bags for people to store their meager belongings, diapers, buckets, spoons, bowls, etc. One storekeeper donated some soccer balls so the kids would have something to play with. On one hand it felt good to be able to help purchase these items, but also humbling as I thought about how much we have and this would be all that they would own. Ouch.
Some have asked how they can help with the relief efforts. Contributions can be made to Wycliffe – designated ‘Solomon Islands Tsunami Relief’. Our group will purchase needed items that will go to the people affected. The contact information is as follows:
PO Box 628200
Orlando, FL 32862-8200
Or by calling: 1-800-992-5433
Or online at:
Thank you.